“If you are starting a new web site or are looking to move web hosts, Diligent Infosystems web hosting offer a range of packages to suit most small to medium businesses.”


  • Autoupdates

    We update core and plugins to keep your site protected.

  • Backup

    We keep backup copy of your Website.

  • Server Level Protection

    If a major vulnerability appears, we develop & apply server-level fixes.

  • Account Isolation

    Your website will be safe even if there are vulnerable accounts.

  • Unlimited Email Addresses

    Create as many email addresses, and email forwards as you need!

  • Free 24×7/365 Support

    You can reach our team at any time, day or night.

  • Optimized Software

    All software we install on our machines is optimized for speed.

  • CloudFlare Integration

    Cache content and filter malicious traffic before it hits your server.

  • Add-ons

    We are providing add-ons to your website.

For Our Website Design Clients :

By providing hosting to our clients, we can ensure that the whole process from concept to finished website is handled in-house with the minimum of hassle. Naturally clients are welcome to use their existing web hosting providing that it meets the minimum requirements for the intended web design.

 For People Require Hosting Only :

We are happy to provide domain registration and hosting services for people and businesses who are not web design clients. In this instance, please contact us to arrange set-up. If you need our assistance in transferring in an existing website, we are more than happy to help (rates on an hourly basis).

Please note that we do not support or provide Windows based servers – our configuration is Linux only.

Our Cloud Hosting Service comes with an advanced control panel which allows you to configure virtually every aspect.

With our fast, USA based servers comes a wide range of built in facilities such as unlimited email addresses and full PHP / MySQL support. If you are starting a new web site or are looking to move web hosts, Diligent Infosystems offer a range of packages to suit most small to medium businesses.

To order a web hosting package, please contact us using by email or telephone.

Tel : +91 40 66 555 445
Email :